
Diverslingva is a translation agency based in Wrocław, Poland. We offer quality translation services to private individuals and corporate clients. We always provide our clients with prompt and reliable services.

Translations in DiversLingva

Diverslingva is a translation agency based in Wrocław, Poland. We offer quality translation services to private individuals and corporate clients. We always provide our clients with prompt and reliable services.

We cover translation from English, German, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, Czech into Polish.

We provide the following linguistic services:

  • translation of general, technical, IT, environment, medical, legal, financial texts,
  • the automotive industry, tourist industry, agriculture, games, marketing, housing, gastronomy
  • translation of documents and Web sites.

We have substantial experience in translation of all kinds of texts ranging from articles, reports, specializations, papers, specifications, abstracts, instructions, theses to presentations and contracts. Our translation team consists of top professionals, passionate about languages and who are specialists in their fields. We also offer very competitive prices which include translation and proofreading done by the native speaker of the target language.

Our simple pricing structure allows you to easily know in advance how much we will charge. In order to effectively communicate and facilitate the process of requesting a translation, please write to the address below and attach the files to be quoted. We will prepare a complete quote and agree on deadlines.

Quotation is absolutely free.

or contact us by phone: +48 515 981 353 for English and +48 504 696 741 for German

We look forward to working with you soon!

Podwale 36A
50-040 Wrocław
Hugona Kołłątaja 8/6
50-003 Wrocław

+48 504 696 741

+48 515 981 353